Minutes 3-4-19

March 4, 2019 meeting

The meeting was convened at 7:00 PM.The meeting agenda was accepted.The President’s report was accepted.The Treasurer’s report was accepted.The Executive Officer reported to the group on the last meeting of the City’s Range task force. The report was accepted.Old Business-

  • An update concerning a letter to the City warning of the removal of volunteer RSOs, which was authorized at the February meeting. The only draft of a message submitted to the board concerning this matter was not deemed adequate, and the issue expired without any changes to the RSO policy.
  • With the likelihood of the Carson City range being unavailable to the Club, various other venues have been investigated for suitability for club-sponsored shooting events. On March 3, an informal agreement with the Stillwater Firearms Association was reached for use of their range facility in Fallon. As soon as the details are worked out, the Club will assemble a schedule of 2019 events, which should commence in April.

New Business-

  • Club President Carver will speak to the City’s Range Task Force at their meeting on March 6. His comments will document the amount of time club members have spent supporting the range since last November and will point out that the club is currently unable to hold events at the range. On the behalf of the club he will request a resumption of range access, beginning with a match on April 7.
  • The Club’s bylaws are in the process of being revised. When a draft is completed, it will be brought to the membership and there will be a 30-day period for comment and proposals.
  • As part of negotiations with the city over a renewal of the Club’s Use Agreement, the club will request that the City either indemnify the club’s officers or subsidize the club’s purchase of expanded insurance coverage. The current Use Agreement is set to expire in mid-April and a change in liability levels for the club is a vital part of any future agreement.
  • A motion was made and seconded for the Club to obtain expanded insurance coverage. After discussion, the matter was voted upon by the members present. The motion was approved without opposition.
  • An audit of Club-owned property and creation of a Property Log will be undertaken. Volunteers were requested from the membership, and Dennis Dunne, Mark De la Torre, Mike Oswell and Ray Marshall volunteered. President Carver selected Messrs. Dunne, De la Torre, and Oswell as the Audit Committee.


  • More RSOs have become available with the completion of a recent class conducted by David Hillis. Mary Snider volunteered to schedule the RSO assignments.
  • Bill Bryant donated $40 to the Club.
  • A High Power Rifle/Bullseye Pistol practice session will be held at the Douglas County range on Saturday March 9 at 8:00 AM. See the separate e-mail announcement for details.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM
The location and time of next month’s meeting is at the Round table Pizza at 3325 Retail Drive, off College Parkway in north Carson City. Monday April 1, 7 PM.