Carson Rifle and Pistol Club Membership Meeting
November 4, 2019
Held at Round Table Pizza 7:00 PM
Carson Rifle and Pistol Club Membership Meeting
Quorum reached. Officers in attendance: Stan Mund, Chris Carver, John Beer, Pamela Call,Brad Trolson
Old Business:
Range Status:
● Use Agreement with Carson City has expired and the Range reservation system is under the management of the City
● Public use of the range is limited to Sunday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
● New Range Coordinator/RSO is Mike Evans
● Dave Navarro is the Deputy Director
● John Costello is the Park Ranger
● The range can now be reserved for 2020 for club events
● RSOs that volunteered for community service at the range can now book reservations for range use. Chris Carver has provided the list of names to the City.
New Business
Board Activities :
Match schedule:
● 2020 match schedule in progress
● Dec. 14, Sat. at approx. 0930 will be an NRL 22 match (course) to be set-up by David Hillis and Chris Carver. This new-to-the-club event will be following the High Power shoot beginning at 0800.
The election for 2020 Club officers December 2 :
● Chris Carver mentioned that the Club needs a non-elected Media Manager, let Chrisknow if you are interested in helping outElections will occur at a regularly scheduled Club meeting Monday, December 2, 2019 at a different site: Carson City Community Center, Broderick Theater at 7:00 PM
● Election committee volunteers are Lori Carver and Dennis Dunn
● Nominations for the following officers are being accepted: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, and two other board members
● Jonathan Pimm was nominated for President, John Beer was nominated for Treasurer, Pamela Call was nominated for Secretary, Brad Trolson for Board member.
● Sadly, Board member Ron Bardarson has died Nov. 4, 2019, while undergoing surgery for his heart
● Remaining club t-shirts and sweatshirts are up for sale
● Tim Galligan won the 50/50 raffle for $37 and donated the money to the Club-thanks Tim.
● Nevada Museum of Art on Liberty Street is having an exhibit “Decorative Arms” featuring a display of guns now through February
Adjourned 7:35 PM